Valerie 315 Weblog
Saturday, 20. July 2002
Inquiry and Literacy

How do the three R’s work together to enhance learning?

I believe that research, reading, and writing work together to help students, like myself, better understand the concepts that they study. I think that a student can learn many different types of topics through research and reading alone, but I think that the material that they are learning will be imprinted more deeply in their minds if they use all 3 learning methods together. For example, I can learn something through research and/or reading but I have a better understanding of the topic and my own knowledge if I utilize the information in some form of writing. I believe that this trend is not just with me, but with all students. Once a student has researched or read information, they can use writing to gain a deeper appreciation for the material. This way, the student is able to bring the material to their standards. If a student is able to rephrase material that they are studying in writing than it is safe to say that the student knows the material. Also, the information that a student applies to writing sticks with the student for a longer period of time. Facts or theories that are often present in research or reading material is easily forgotten, but when the student writes about the information it sticks with them longer because they have combined several forms of learning which makes the information more accessible to them. I also think that students gain confidence in their learning if they use writing as an essential tool for discovery. Through writing, the student becomes aware of their weaknesses and strengths, therefore contributing to their own learning. In addition, writing can also help students create their own ideas about a topic. I believe that the most important thing that a student can learn while in college is that there is hardly ever a straight answer to any question. I believe that we go to college to learn a variety of ideas about different concepts and come to our own conclusions or belief systems about that concept. Nothing is black and white and virtually everything has several answers, through writing the student is able to gather their thoughts and beliefs more clearly, which leads the student to develope their own conclusions. I also think that writing helps students learn more about themselves as learners. When you write you learn things about yourself that may help you pick up on new concepts more quickly. You begin to realize what areas are more difficult or easier for you to understand which will save precious study time in the future. I believe that there are numerous advantages for utilizing writing as a regular tool for learning. When combined with reading and research, writing can be a very critical tool for understanding and maintaining learned material.

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