Valerie 315 Weblog
Friday, 16. August 2002
Week 10: Online Journal

Can't Believe it's Over!
As I finish this summer semester, I am filled with a rush of different emotions. Feelings of relief, accomplishment, anxiety, and sadness are just a few of the emotions that I have been dealing with. I have a huge feeling of accomplishment to finish the Multi-genre project and the CD 315 summer class, but I also have feelings of anxiety and sadness. The ending of this class only means one thing; that summer is officially over. The end of the summer session is where my feelings of sadness and anxiety are coming from. It’s so hard to believe that this class and summer is over!!! There are only a few more days until we begin the busy fall season. I am not going to stress about the busy fall semester yet. All I am going to do for the next week or so is allow myself to relax and have fun. The fall semester will begin early enough so there is no reason for me to worry about it. (Even though worrying is a created art in my family and in me!) For the next week, I will do nothing but fun stuff. I’m not sure what I will do, but I know I can think of something!! I advise everyone else to do the same as me. Relax and have fun that is.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a huge feeling of accomplishment by completing this project and class. I am really proud of everything that I have created in my weblog. I worked really hard to create every piece and to make them as realistic as I could. And if I do say so myself, I think that most of the pieces sound like they were actually written by the characters that I created. This is one of the most difficult projects that I have ever had to create, probable the most difficult. But, I did it! I wasn’t always sure about what the MRP was or what it was suppose to accomplish, but I understand completely now. Through the completion of this assignment, I have learned a great deal. I have learned more about Central Auditory Processing Disorders, computers, and, most importantly, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the people that I will be helping in the future. I know that the pieces that we created were fictional, but the situations and feelings within them are very real to some people. I have always been a very sympathic person, but this assignment has given me a since of the real lives that people with disorders endure. Not only have I gained empathy, but I have also gained strength. One of the things that I have been terrified about is that my emotions will get in the way of my job as an SLP in the future. I have been scared to death that I would carry my sympathic emotions into the clinic with me. I can’t be sure that this project will help me in clinic, but it has helped me realize that even though people have problems, they still have good lives. We are just working to make their lives a little easier and better. I can’t begin to explain how much that I have learned about the computer within this short, summer semester. Upon my entrance into this class, I knew nothing about computers. NOTHING! Now, I am able to do much more on the computer than I realized possible. The most important thing that I learned in this semester is that eventually assignments will come together. Honestly, I was really confused about the MRP until the very last minute. I don’t think that I fully understood it until about last week. If I had another chance to complete these assignments I know I could do a much better job, but I think I did really well considering this type of project was completely new to me. Another thing that I am really proud of is that I took this class in the summer. The decision to take this class in the summer was a difficult one, but I am so glad that I took it now. I can’t imagine taking this class in the fall. My decision to take this class in the summer makes me feel like one of the smartest people around!

Advice for future CD-315 patrons
1. Try your best to understand the project as much as you can before you begin or choose your essential question.
2. Never type anything onto your blog! Trust me, this will save you time, energy, and frustration.
3. Don’t procrastinate anything. There is too much to do for you to start procrastinating assignments.
4. Trust your work. Peer reviews can be intimidating, but remember that if you worked hard on a genre, it will show.
5. Try not to get overwhelmed with the assignment lists. They look long and difficult, but once you get started, you will realize that they look worse than they are.
6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!! If you are having difficulty or have a question, more than likely someone else will encounter the same problems at some point in the semester.
7. Don’t worry! I promise, it will all come together!

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